The Tobacco Products Control Act is the primary act governing tobacco control in Thailand. Tobacco products include any product containing nicotine as an ingredient to be used either by smoking, sucking, inhaling, chewing, eating, blowing, or spraying into the mouth or nose, applying on skin, or by other means in order to obtain the same result. Definition of tobacco products excludes items under drug laws.
In case the business establishment intends to sell tobacco products, it must apply for a Tobacco License from to the Excise Department Office.
A business holding a license is strictly prohibited to sell tobacco products:
• To people younger than 20 years
• By vending machine or electronic communications
• Outside the location for which a tobacco sale license has been granted
• In close proximity of temples, healthcare establishments, educational institutions, public parks, zoos, and amusement parks
• In other places as prescribed and announced by the Ministry of Finance upon recommendation of the Committee
The Tobacco Licenses is valid for one year and must be renewed annually before its expiration.