In order to set up a limited company in Thailand, the first step is to register the desired company name with the Department of Business Development (DBD) at the Ministry of Commerce.
One of the promoters or directors must complete a Name Reservation Form specifying three names, ranked by preference. The form must be submitted to the Department of Business Development (DBD) in person or through an individual having a power of attorney. The form can be also submitted by post or online.
The names must not be the same or similar to ones of other existing companies. Certain names are not allowed and the companies must study the name reservation guidelines of the Business Development Office. As an example, the names of the royal family, ministries, bureaus, departments, government offices or organizations must not be used, unless a special prior permission has been granted. The names which are contrary to morality, public policy or public ordermay not be registered.
The official name of a company registered in Thailand is always in Thai language, but can also be register an English version of the name.
The registrar will review the application, ensuring that:
1. No similar company name has previously been reserved
2. The company name does not violate any ministerial rules
If the intended company name is in conflict with one of the above conditions, that name will be rejected and the alternative names submitted will be consider. The whole process can be completed within 2-3 working days. In case that all three names are rejected, the applicant must re-submit the application with three new names.
Once the company name is approved, the Memorandum of Association must be filled and registered within 30 days because the corporate name reservation is valid only for a period of 30 days and no extensions are allowed.